Since I’ve had enough of the winter weather, there is no bettter excuse to head down to Florida for some better weather and fabulous racing. Oh wait, there is a better reason than that… the Tampa Bay Down Series StableDuel is putting on next week!
We are excited to have Tampa on board both as a track in the app but also a partner to promote racing and in doing so, they’ve signed up to make an amazing series heading into their Saturday Stakes card!
So how’s it work? Well each Tampa contest will have some added benefits from the regular payouts….oh and a nice juicy $10,000 guaranteed prize for Saturday. Thank us later.
Here’s the series schedule:
Wednesday – $1 Entry – Winner gets free entry to Saturday $10K game and Top 3 get swag from Tampa Bay Downs
Friday – $25 entry – Winner gets free entry to Saturday $10K game and Top 3 get swag from Tampa Bay Downs
Saturday – $10K Game – $100 Entry – Winner gets a race day experience for 6 people on February 6th, Sam F. Davis Day , 2nd and 3rd places get swag from Tampa Bay Downs
Sunday – Free Ride– Winner gets swag from Tampa Bay Downs
–$25 Entry Top Ten game – Winner of the Top Ten gets a signed StableDuel hat from all the Tampa Jockeys, 2nd and 3rd get swag from Tampa Bay Downs
I’ll be on track enjoying the Florida sun and great racing! Follow myself and @StableDuel on social media so you do not miss out on a single thing!
And just since we always like to look forward…this series is just the beginning. We will have an amazing week leading up to the Sam F. Davis on February 6th—so get ready.
-Bri Mott